
The Different Definitions of Beauty


Throughout history, there have been various standards of beauty. Some of the most common ideas are race, gender, age, and body shape. The idea of beauty is also influenced by fashion and popular culture. Often, these standards change from time to time, causing a shift in the definition of beauty.

Some cultures have a higher emphasis on physical characteristics, such as fair skin and large eyes. In most Asian countries, fairness and naturally flawless skin are considered important in achieving the ideal beauty. In the West, women are expected to have plump lips and a slim waist. In Europe, a woman’s facial proportions are also important. For example, the perfect Greek chin was smooth and round. It was also slightly fuller than the upper lip. Moreover, the mouth of the Greeks was naturally red.

Some ancient cultures believed that beauty was a result of a person’s original state of purity. Confucian philosophy also regarded the body’s natural state as the key to a person’s happiness. This philosophy also stated that every living person’s “Qi,” or vital force, was passed on from generation to generation.

The Italian Renaissance, which began in the 15th century, marked a new era in the concept of female beauty. In that period, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo painted a variety of faces. These works also conveyed a sense of mystery.

In the Victorian era, many women were eager to improve their appearance through cosmetics. While they inherited earlier Western beliefs about feminine beauty, they also embraced the Greek myth of Aphrodite. They were also aware of the dangers of lead in some cosmetics. This led to the development of a number of formulas that duplicated Greek beauty.

One such formula was devised by Antoine Mengs. The formula determined the size of the eyes, the distance from the tip of the nose to the lips, and the space between the eyes and the brow. The formula was very difficult to achieve, but it did produce a fairly accurate depiction of Greek beauty.

Another formula developed by Jean Liebault, a 16th-century Parisian doctor, defined an ideal woman’s face. He thought that an ideal woman should have a pale complexion, dimpled cheeks, and small ears. These were essential features in a female beauty.

Other formulas, such as those used by the Estee Lauder Companies, L’Oreal, and Unilever, have been in place for several decades. These companies have a stranglehold on the market. However, mainstream cosmetics companies have not been committed to removing harmful carcinogens or parabens from their products.

While these formulas did not completely eliminate the need for makeup, the upper class women still sought to enhance their beauty. They applied thick layers of cosmetics to their skin. They also smeared wax on wrinkled skin and replaced their eyebrows with fur.

This method of cosmetic enhancement was not only a way to improve the physical appearance of a woman, it was also a way to improve her social status. The upper class women also sold their potions and lotions at home.